Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him 1346500888721
Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him 1346500888721
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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دولتكــــ دولتكــــ : مصر
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 758
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 05/06/2012
العمر العمر : 27

Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him   Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him Emptyالثلاثاء أكتوبر 23, 2012 5:43 am

Kevkm my dear brothers and sisters? God willing, all is well and the best case ...
I am pleased and honored to take on to talk about the good companions and loved them to the Messenger of Allah
Peace be upon him, Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him and, God willing, Tharo
Fun as I enjoying Ba research and write about God bless him and grant him .... It

A ten acclaimed Paradise, and the brother of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Palmaakhah, and brother-in-law Fatima
Women of the worlds God bless her, and a former of Islam, and a Alalmerabanin, and brave
Famous, and ascetics mentioned, and well-known preachers, and a collection of the Holy Quran and display
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, the first successor of Bani Hisham.

Ali ibn Abi Talib bin Abdul Manaf bin Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim bin Qusay bin dogs once
Ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik succulent bin Kenana it but I was told Abu Hasan
Abu Turab, كناه Prophet peace be upon him and his mother Fatima bint Asad Hashim, a
First Hashemite Hashemite born, has converted to Islam and migrated with immigrants and supporters.

Was, God bless him an old man, fat, bald, very hairy, four short, great abdominal
Very great beard has filled between his shoulders like white cotton, Adam severe dermis.

And narrated by Bukhari in literature from Sahl ibn Sa'd said: If I like the names Ali, may Allah be pleased

And that he was angry days Fatima, went, Fadtdja to the wall in the mosque, came the Prophet
God be upon him, has filled the back dust, Making of the Prophet, peace be upon him swear
On the back and say: (Sit father Trap).

Roy married
Fatima God bless them and bore him Hassan and Hussein and Zeinab major
Umm Kulthum major, and had married Ali, may Allah be pleased with him the wives of others after the death of Fatima
God bless them, of them:
Or boys girl haram canis and bore him Abbas Jaafar Abdullah Osman and killed
With Hussein, God bless them all.
Lilly bint Masoud bin Khalid, mascot Alnhishlah bare him Obaidullah and Abu Bakr, and the names of
Bint Umays Alkhtamah and bore him Yahya Mamedaalosgr.
Imamat bint Abi Aas girl Zainab daughter of the Messenger of Allah
Upon him and bore him Muhammad East.
Umm Said daughter Urwah bin Masood Thaqafiyyah she bore him or Hassan, and hidden girl
Man Qais bin Udai canis.
With concubines: Alsaba daughter Rabia Alnglbeh from captivity who raided
Khalid bin Waleed into dates.
Khawla bint Jafar tap with Muhammad known as Ibn al-Hanafi.

Remove the Shikhan Saad bin Abi Waqas "that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and him behind Ali ibn Abi
Student at the Battle of Tabuk, he said ((Yar Seoul God Tkhalafna in women and boys, he said: either accept
Be to me what Aaron was of Moses? However, no prophet after me)) Narrated by Ahmad.

And thrown from Sahl ibn Sa'd ((that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said the day of Khaybar:
I will give the flag tomorrow man God opens his hands loves Allah and His Messenger, and he loves Allah and His Messenger
Shreds people realize the night one is Aataha? When the people became غدوا the Messenger of Allah
God bless him and his family and him, all hopes that Aataha, he said: Where Ali bin Abi Taleb?
He was told: is complaining about his eyes, said: He called him, Fberi even if you do not gripe, he gave the flag)).
And Muslim narrated that Saad bin Abi Waqas said: When the evil ones ee verse
(Bida our sons and your sons) Imran 61. Called the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family peace and graduate
Fatima, Well, Hasina said, "Oh God, these my family").
Narrated by Ahmad Ali, and Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, and Zayd ibn Arqam, and Amr ever over, is second to none
Abu Hurayrah, and Tabarani from Ibn 'Umar, and Malik bin Huwayrith Habashi bin جنادة
And Greer, and Saad bin Abi Waqas and Abu Saad al-Khudri, Anas, and al-Abbas,
And architecture, and Buraidah, and in most of the excess ((O and the allies, and returned from desires)).

And drove Altermive, and Governor and corrected, and Buraydah said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him
Him ((God commanded me to love four, and he told me that he loves them, it was said: O Messenger of Allah boy upon
Him poison us, he said: You are of them say it three times, Abu Dhar, Miqdad, and Salman).

And directed Bazzaar, and Tabaraani in East Jabir Ibn Abdullah, drove Altermive,
Governor Ali G said: Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: ((I am the city of knowledge and Ali
Door)) that is good on the right.

Said Abdullah bin Ayyash ibn Abi Rabia: Ali had Macit sprocket boycotted in science
And had a minor in the clan, and the foot in Islam, and the Covenant of the Messenger of Allah
God be upon him, and in the jurisprudence of the year, and for help in the war, and generosity in money.

And out Tabaraani in East bail weak Jabir bin Abdullah said: The Messenger
God's peace be upon him: ((people of the two, and I trees and Ali from a single tree)).

Saraya movement: Once stability happened to the Muslims led by the Prophet in the city began
Saraya movement that targeted the extension of State prestige at home and abroad, and make some
And curtail the role of tribal Arabs, raising combat companions on the setting of the major invasions
And conquests field movement to industry leaders in practice, have participated in these Saraya faithful
May Allah be pleased with him, which occurred before the Badr and beyond.

- Battle of the clan: the mystery Quraysh, and used the city Abu Salamah ibn Abd al-Assad
And called this battle to negotiate with the tribe, sued Jumada and nights of May
Hereafter, and Invite built Medlej and their allies built Damra, then returned to the city, did not receive
Which came out days ago, going to the Levant, Vssahelh
Sea and reached the Quraysh had witnessed went out to prevent them, Vrul the Messenger of Allah and signed attributable Badr
The Ammar ibn Yasir for his participation and God bless them in that invasion, narrated
Ammar Ibn Yasser said: I and comrades in the battle ever clan, when Nzlha Messenger
God and established by our NASA built Mudlij working in the eye of them in the palm, he said to me:
Abba اليقظان Can you come they look for someone how they work? فجئناهم, Venzerna to work
Hour, and then sleep Gshena, and I went on, Fadtdjana pictures of palm trees in Dqaa
Of dirt Venmana, Fu God Ohibna only Allah Ihrkina with his foot, may Tterbna of those Adakkaa
Viomiz Messenger of Allah said to Ali: O Abu Turab, when he saw the dirt upon him said: «not Ahdzqma Bohqy
People two men? »We said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah said:« Ahamr Thamud who own camels and beat you
Oh this means Qrnhany table from him this' means that a beard, was repeated call of the Messenger of Allah to Ali
Abu Turab.

First Battle of Badr: caused by: cherry Bin Jabir Al-Fihri, had attacked the city and looting discharged some camels
And livestock, the Messenger of Allah went out at his request, until he reached a valley, said his «Safwan Badr hand, and his death
Cherry bin Jaber, did not realize, and he came back the Messenger of Allah to the city, has given beloved faithful
Supreme God bless him for his brigade White. Saraya movement is beginning combat jihad against the enemies of the call, with
Saraya movement and Missions and battles fought by the Messenger of Allah against the idolaters appeared evident years stampede
Deal with the Prophet and his companions, including the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib, and this year related attached
Firm and empowerment of this religion, God has pointed to in the Holy Book and the quotation came in saying
Almighty: God not pay people to each other for the spoiled earth, but God is preferred on the Worlds "Cow: 251,
In the verse: who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they believe in God but not people Dafallah each
Some silos and sale of demolished and prayers and mosques stating the name of God much Inasrn God
That God Inzareth strong Aziz "Hajj: 40.

Battle of Badr: Al-Nawawi said: and the whole people of the dates on witnesses is full, and other scenes
Tabuk, said: Brigade and gave him a prophet in many citizen.

Was Ali ibn Abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him a mujahideen who participated in the Battle of Badr, narrated Haritha
Ben racket bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Prophet Badr Atakbr, when he reached the
Pagans had turned, walked the Messenger of Allah to Bader, and Bader Beer, Vsbakna idolaters it, and found the two men
Of them, a man from Quraish and sire of an obstacle ibn Abi, either Qurashi turned against, and the sire obstacle We took him
We utterly tell him: How are these people? He will say: they are God many in number, very shares, Making Muslims if said
Beat him until they finished to the Prophet, he said to him: How are these people? Said: They are God many in number, very shares, Fjhd
Prophet to tell him how much they are, but he refused, then the Prophet asked him: «km Anhron of islands, he said: ten days every day,
The Messenger of Allah said: «folk thousand, all roots for a hundred and followed, and then he made us into the night TC of rain, Vantlguena
Under trees and Ahadjv Nstzl underneath, from the rain, and is the Messenger of Allah calls the Lord Almighty says: 'Oh God, you're
The decimate this category do not worship, he said: When pollen Club: prayer worshipers of God, people came from under the tree
And Ahadjv, prayed us the Messenger of Allah, and instigated the fighting, and then said: The Quraish collection under this balding
Red from the mountain. When the DNA of us folk and Cefvnahm, if a man whom the sentences him red walking
In folk, The Messenger of Allah said: O on Hamza club. Was closest of the idolaters: His sentences
Red, and what to say to them, then the Messenger of Allah said: «If there are a folk ordering the fine, it may be that you have
His sentences Red, came Hamza said: is the threshold bin Rabia, as he ended the fighting, and say to them:
O my people, I see folk Mstmetin not pray to them and the best of you, O my people Aasboha today with my head, and say:
Cheese threshold bin Rabia, you know I am not Bibjpennekm, said, he heard that Abu Jahl, he said: You
You say this? God, if someone else says this to Oeddth, had been filled lungs and the جوفك terrifying. Said threshold: Me,
Pay, yellowish Este? You will know today which of us cowardly. Said: demonstrated threshold and his brother Shaybah and newborn son diet,
They said: duel? Boys went out of Ansar six, said threshold: We do not want them, but Abarzna
Brown cousins, who built Abdulmutallab, said the Messenger of Allah: 'Arise, O, O Hamza, and O Obeida
Bin Harith bin requirement. Killing God threshold and Shaybah my son Rabia, and Waleed bin threshold, and wounded Obeida
, Afqatlna them seventy, seventy families, came a short man from the Ansar Balabas bin Abdul Muttalib captive,
Abbas said: O Messenger of God, that this God what Osrna, have Osrna man Ogelh, one of the best people
Face, mare Iblq, what I see in people. Ansari said: I am his family, O Messenger of Allah. He said:
Quieted God has thee king cream. Said: Vosrna Brown Abdulmutallab: Abbas and Aqila
Nawfal ibn al-Harith, and description may Allah be pleased with him to the battle of Badr note lessons and lessons and many benefits
Can be referenced in a written biography of the Prophet and facts and analysis of events.

And remove the button bin Hubaysh said: sat two men Itagdian, with one five loaves, and with the other three
Loaves, and when he put lunch between endorsed by over their man, greeted, they said: I sit on briskly, sat down and ate with them
With Astwooa eating eight loaves, he took the man and put them eight dirhams, and said: Khmaha instead
Which I ate, and Nlth Taamkma, Vtnazaaa, said his five Ogrfah me five dirhams and you
Three, and three loaves owner said: I do not accept only be dirhams between us two, Vartfa to Prince
Faithful Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, Vqsa upon their story, said the three had been offered you your friend
Show, and bread more than bread land of the three, he said: God agrees with him but BMR right, Ali said:
You in the Council over the right only one AED, and has seven dirhams, the man said: Hallelujah! Said:
He said: facial Varafna in over the right to accept, Ali said: Alice eight loaves Twenty-four
Thirds Okltamoha and you three souls, not most of you know food or less? But you nine thirds, and eat
Companion eight thirds, with five ten-thirds, eat eight, leaving him seven, the man said:
Chosen for now.

And Ibn Abi Shaybah in equitable Ata said: come on man and saw two men he had stolen
He took in a bit of things, people, and threaten the false witnesses, and said: I do not Oti false witness but did well
As well as then asked the witnesses, did not Agdama Fajly him.

And directed the popular said: Abu Bakr says hair, and was Omar says hair, and was
Osman hair Aouk, and I had to feel like three.

And directed about نبيط Ashja'i said: 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him:

If included despair hearts and fed them with expansive chest
And in dealing Otnt hardship and reassured and laid in place calamities
He did not see the harm face exposure nor the richest Lakelth الأريب
Attac despair you Relief comes near effector
All events if brought Vemosal's vagina near

And remove the People said: 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, a man who hated him the company of a man:
Not accompanied by ignorance and you brother and him
How many ignorant meek at times his brother shot dead
Measured one if it is for a man Shah
And something of thing Standards and semiconductor

And remove the radiator said: It was written on Saif Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him:
For people keen on minimum masterminding they described you mixed Petkder
Arozkhma mind after what divided but Rozkoha amounts
How Adib Labib does not help? And wacky won worldly shortening
If the power or cope flew البزاة Berezag sparrows

Said Ali, may Allah be pleased with him: packets mistrust.

He said: near of Qrepetth affection even after lineage, and far from sold hostility and near the percentage,
Nothing closer than the hands of the body, though spoiled severed hand, and if you cut resolved, narrated by Abu Naim.
He said: five Khdhuhen Me: No one of you Ikhaven only his guilt, and hoped only Lord, and not ashamed of
Do not know, do not be ashamed of not knowing if asked did not know that God says I know, although patience
Faith, and if Grant head Dahab body, directed by Saeed Mansour in his Sunan.

He said: seven of the Coasts: intensity of anger, severe sneezing, severe yawning, vomiting
And epistaxis, Conspiracy, and sleep when he is mentioned.

Killed, may Allah be pleased with him on the night of the seventeenth of Ramadan forty years of migration.
Murder of Abdul Rahman bin mg Moradi, Ibn Hajar said in translation mg: senior
Kharijites, a miserable this nation hard text of the Prophet, peace be upon him kill
Ali ibn Abi Talib, killing him Awlad Ali, and in the month of Ramadan in the year forty-four.

The Prophet peace be upon him said may Allah be pleased with him: miserable people who own
Camel, who beat you on this - and put his hand on his head - even dye these mean beard.
Narrated by Imam Ahmad and others, and horses.
The succession of five years only three and a half months.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ملاك الروووح
مديرة المنتدى
مديرة المنتدى
ملاك الروووح

دولتكــــ دولتكــــ : موريتانيا
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 439
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 27/09/2012

Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him   Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 26, 2012 9:38 pm

أإسـ عٍ ـد الله أإأوٍقـآتَكُـم بكُـل خَ ـيرٍ

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أإلتي تَفُـوٍح مِنهآ عَ ـطرٍ أإلآبدآع وٍأإلـتَمـيُزٍ

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Fares Commando Ali Karar (Ali ibn Abi Talib), may Allah be pleased with him
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